
Suomen fysiikan- ja matematiikanopiskelijat ry (SFMO)

Suomen fysiikan- ja matematiikanopiskelijat ry on suomalaisten fysiikan- ja matematiikanopiskelijoiden yhteistyöjärjestö, jonka tarkoituksena on edistää opiskelijoiden keskinäistä yhteydenpitoa ja yhteistoimintaa ja toimia samalla kansainvälisen IAPS:in (International Association of Physics Students) kansallisena osastona.

Tekniikan akateemiset (TEK)

TEK is the largest organisation for academic engineers and architects in Finland, with a professional community of some 80,000 members. TEK is a professional organisation that supports you in your career. By becoming a member, you will have access to our experts, who can advise you on any issues regarding your work life in Finland.


In Finland, it’s completely fine to belong to a trade union and roughly 50 % of Finnish employees belong to one. Joining is always voluntary. Highly educated employees typically join unions based on education. TEK is the trade union for graduate engineers, architects and other university degrees in the field of technology. 


As a TEK member you have access to a variety of benefits and services to support your career. Join your professional community now – student membership is free of charge!