It’s back! Welcome to Hangout and Gaming vol.2 
Join us for a laid-back evening in Snellmania’s lobby with board games, bingo, and other fun activities!
During the evening, you can:
Play board games with great company
Meet new people from all around the world
Participate in bingo with small prizes for the winners
Enjoy some snacks
The event is free of charge, but registration is required as spots are limited.
Register here: There will be a wide selection of board games available, but feel free to bring along your favorites!
WHAT: Casual hangout with games and snacks
WHERE: Snellmania Lobby
WHEN: Tuesday, February 18th, 5:00 PM–9:00 PM 
FOR WHO: Especially Hyeena, Kvantti, Retikka, and Serveri international students. Finns are also very welcome to join! 

PRICE: Free!
See you there!
*The event is non-alcoholic*